Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (external)

Represents its membership to all levels of government, provides legal services, advice, and assistance, as well as collaborating with other aviation stakeholders to ensure continued safety, accessibility, and resources.

Academy of Model Aeronautics – What is the AMA? (external)

Represents more than 175,000 members in the promotion and safe guarding of model aviation as a recreational pursuit through interaction with all levels of government.

Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International – Who is AUVSI? (external)

Represents more than 7,500 members, from across government, industry, and academia, and is focused on supporting the development and promotion of unmanned systems.

National Business Aviation Association Aircraft Operations – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (external)

Represents more than 10,000 companies and recognizes the economic potential of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, as well as the need for equivalent standards, certification, airworthiness, and safety, as manned aviation.