The sUAS Consumer Guide was made possible by generous contributions from the following donors. Their sponsorship provided essential assistance with the acquisition of examined systems and supporting resources.

Aircraft Sponsors

$1,000+ or donation of platforms/ resources / services

donated use of two Typhoon Q500 4K platforms

3D Robotics (3DR)
donated Solo platform

donated use of Helimax Form500, Dromida Vista and Kodo, Hubsan X4 Pro, Xiro XPlorer G, and Elanview Cicada

Ray Nicoll
donated use of personal property for conducting outdoor sUAS operations

Nevada Institute of Autonomous Systems and Dr. Chris Walach
Supporting outdoor sUAS operations

Fleet Sponsors

$500 – $999

John C. Parker
Integrated Robotics Imaging System (IRIS)

Guide Contributors

$100 – $499

Collin Smith
Ryan Langlois
Ken Witcher
Robyn Opp
Eric Anderson

Nicholas Damron
Alex Moen
Greg Igel
David Thirtyacre

Flight Line Sponsors

$50 – $99

Robert Hunter
Filomena Langlois

Support Sponsor

$50 – $99

Erika Campell
Bridget Strzlecki
John Newsome
George Hanns
Annamarie Garcia
Shannon Stenberg
Brad Sims

Linda Weiland
Jeremiah Wilke
David Hepp
Nelson Carey
Jennifer Liddle
David Hopfe
Brent Terwilliger