Academy of Model Aeronautics – National Model Aircraft Safety Code (external)

Codifies community safety guidance for operation of model aircraft.

Academy of Model Aeronautics – Membership Manual 2016 (external)

Contains an overview of who the Academy of Model Aeronautics is, their vision, mission, insurance coverage, as well as general safety practices.

Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International – Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Industry “Code of Conduct” (external)

Codifies an industry policy for safe, professional, and respectful operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems.

Know Before You Fly (external)

Produced by the Federal Aviation Administration and industry partners; provides critical insight and description of operator categories (recreational, public, and business users), as well as operational guidance for safe and responsible.

National Agricultural Aviation Association – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Safety Education Campaign (external)

Features a safety campaign to raise awareness of concerns and best practices in agricultural aviation.

National Telecommunications and Information Administration – Voluntary Best Practices for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Privacy, Transparency, and Accountability (external)

Identifies best practices associated with the aerial collection of data to encourage conduct that compliments compliance with the law.

U.S. Forest Service, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (external)

Features the Federal agency’s policy for the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, including hobby and recreation, on National Forest System Lands and during emergencies (“If you Fly, We Can’t”).